StarLabs: Biggest laboratory supply manufacturer and supplier in India
In laboratory work and research the quality of glassware and equipment is very important. For the past 10 years, Starlabs glassware has dominated the lab glassware and equipment segments meeting all the standards and establishing itself as the leading laboratory glassware manufacturer in India.
A Legacy of Excellence

Laboratory Equipment and their uses
Microscopes and telescopes are fundamental tools in many scientific disciplines, allowing us to observe what’s normally invisible to the naked eye.
Microscopes: are used in the laboratory to magnify the small objects that we can’t see with our naked eyes
Telescope: This is a useful tool used by astronomers to study the far object from Earth and know the movement in space.

Types of laboratory plastic ware and their uses: A comprehensive guide
Laboratory Plasticware has become an important part of modern research and experiment. These plasticware is made with high quality plastic which are versatile, durable and chemical resistant. In this comprehensive guide we will tell you about the types of glassware and there uses.